
The word of a bride is a law on a hen party! My girls are happy to indulge me and they know what I want right now. My desire is to pop balloons around me and I have a pair of sharp heels for that! Come on girls, bring me the balloons, put them under my heels and don’t let them escape!

@400p: 116 Mb, @720p: 222 Mb, @1080p: 431 Mb, Runtime: 5 minutes
$6.99 (6.70) $4.68 (4.48)

Huge crystal yellow Frankenloon with two valves. So big, so attractive, so intriguing… and so doomed! Me and Ava are going to find out how much air do we need to blow into it to make this loon burst! And Leya will do a countdown for us blowing to pop clear 17'' balloons with numbers on them.

@400p: 258 Mb, @720p: 493 Mb, @1080p: 959 Mb, Runtime: 11 minutes
$12.99 (12.45) $8.70 (8.34)

Come on Rita, we have a job to do! These huge balloons need our naughty attention and I’m not going to make them wait! Open the clips and ride them while the air is coming out! And yes, don’t forget about that giant 72'' Oversized Room balloon too, I want to feel it all over my body!

@400p: 298 Mb, @720p: 567 Mb, @1080p: 1105 Mb, Runtime: 12.5 minutes
$13.99 (13.41) $9.37 (8.98)

I’ve never dared to blow a balloon to pop before. But this idea teases me and I can’t stop thinking about it. Now when we get along well with Anaxo I want to try blowing a 24'' Belbal… I need her support.

Of course she’s much better at it than me. She is mocking me while blowing her balloon with ease without rush, just to show me how to do it. But anyway her balloon bursts first… it makes her excited and frightens me.

Anyway I have a strong intention to finish my red balloon too! And I will!

@400p: 498 Mb, @720p: 947 Mb, @1080p: 1844 Mb, Runtime: 21 minutes
$22.99 (22.03) $15.40 (14.76)

I told Ava to clean her room from balloons an hour ago and I have a feeling that nothing is done there. I found this disobedient girl hiding under the blanket in her pink nylon sleeping bag. And of course balloons are still there! That pisses me off! I should give her a lesson — I will fill stuff her sleeping bag with these balloons and pop them all right on her!

@400p: 181 Mb, @720p: 345 Mb, @1080p: 673 Mb, Runtime: 7.5 minutes
$9.99 (9.57) $6.69 (6.41)

Lying on tight balloons is relaxing and arousing at the same time. But the balloons always to slip away so I caught them all in a big pink nylon stocking to make a perfect lounge for me to relax in front of a fireplace. The only thing I was unable to foresee is that the excitement would take over and my desire to burst some balloons under me would be so strong… and now the pin in my fingers is already scratching the tight latex under the nylon!

@400p: 207 Mb, @720p: 394 Mb, @1080p: 768 Mb, Runtime: 8.5 minutes
$10.99 (10.53) $7.36 (7.05)

This giant Doll balloon is unusual. It has an extra valve for blowing on its «lower belly». Quite a suggestive location! And when Leya is on this balloon and touching this valve with her lips the term «blow job» becomes pretty literal;) But this job is for two — we are going to blow this kinky Doll to its limit, have it nice and tight and make it burst!

@400p: 318 Mb, @720p: 607 Mb, @1080p: 1183 Mb, Runtime: 13.5 minutes
$15.99 (15.32) $10.71 (10.26)

I ride blue Intex Whale and pop it with a sharp stick under me till it’s flat.

@400p: 280 Mb, @720p: 534 Mb, @1080p: 1039 Mb, Runtime: 11.5 minutes
$10.99 (10.53) $7.36 (7.05)

My latex shelter is quite pleasant and I don’t mind staying inside. The latex walls are thick but soft and they are all around me providing a perfect mixed feeling of safety and excitement. The more I touch them the more I want to be squeezed with this balloon from outside so I untie it and let the air out while staying inside.

@400p: 300 Mb, @720p: 572 Mb, @1080p: 1115 Mb, Runtime: 12.5 minutes
$14.99 (14.36) $10.04 (9.62)

I like when you have naughty dreams. This time you are even more naughty than usual — you imagined me sitting on the top of a really huge beach ball. And the arrow in my hand and the heels on my feet imply that this ball is going to be treated nicely tonight! So all my way down to the floor is going to be made of numerous pokes I will make with my arrow and with my heels. But he ball is so big… it will take a lot of pokes to let all air out! I’d better start right now;)

@400p: 340 Mb, @720p: 648 Mb, @1080p: 1263 Mb, Runtime: 14.5 minutes
$16.99 (16.28) $11.38 (10.90)

Some say I’m too strict with my students. I say that practice makes perfect and the final tests should be as challenging as they could be. Selenite and Celestine have been studying BTP since the very beginning and did really well. They thought that 24'' balloon is not that hard task for the final test but they were wrong. It was Qualatex 24'', best of the best, tested and confirmed being able to exceed the size of 24'' easily. So when I finished my Tuftex 24'' pretty fast it was just a false hope for girls to finish soon.

@400p: 387 Mb, @720p: 736 Mb, @1080p: 1436 Mb, Runtime: 16.5 minutes
$19.99 (19.15) $13.39 (12.83)

I’m not sure that this amount is exact…but who really cares? It’s a sea of tight purple loons with islands of bigger colorful balloons. We are swimming in the middle of it, we are riding the latex waves! We are going to drain this see together. Both me and Rita are excited so much, we can’t wait to dig our nails in these balloons and make them burst, burst, BURST!!! Oh yeah, that is going to be epic! The floor will be covered with balloon shreds very-very soon…

@400p: 365 Mb, @720p: 685 Mb, @1080p: 1.29 Gb, Runtime: 15 minutes
$22.99 (22.03) $15.40 (14.76)

Being excited with balloons means wanting more and more of them! And once you have them in your hands or even under your but you just can’t stop squeezing and bouncing on them… and yes, it always ends with the burst! And bursts make me even more excited… and willing to pop again or watch Leya popping her balloons for me! Sorry our beautiful mylars, we are eager to burst every single balloon today!

@400p: 317 Mb, @720p: 605 Mb, @1080p: 1180 Mb, Runtime: 13.5 minutes
$15.99 (15.32) $10.71 (10.26)

After losing a fight with Diana Cheetah recovers at her lair. Her body aches and her muscles are stiff. Luckily she has some big balloons to relax on them.

@400p: 466 Mb, @720p: 888 Mb, @1080p: 1729 Mb, Runtime: 20 minutes
$24.99 (23.95) $16.74 (16.04)

Huge red cloudbuster balloon is embracing my body. It’s an amazing and exciting feeling and I can’t stop diving into this huge balloon more and more. And when I’m already overwhelmed with its softness I open the clip and let the air out while I’m ripping my tights to feel the latex with my skin even more…

@400p: 206 Mb, @720p: 393 Mb, @1080p: 767 Mb, Runtime: 8.5 minutes
$9.99 (9.57) $6.69 (6.41)

Me and Mariette do friendly challenge — who will sitpop more beachballs at the same time? We start together and keep sitpopping 20 beachballs till they all are popped! In the end we do a counting and see who is the winner.

@400p: 240 Mb, @720p: 313 Mb, @1080p: 894 Mb, Runtime: 10 minutes
$13.99 (13.41) $9.37 (8.98)