Our girls show their impressive blowing skills with epic BTPs. All clips are filmed by themselves.
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Love is in the air, so it’s a perfect time to add some air to love! :) We found the classic red Q36 heart in our collection and offered it to Stashia to show us how big and beautiful it could be. And kept the fingers crossed so it wouldn’t pop too early lol. Stashia’s lips did all the magic — huge red heart was indulging us with its beauty till the very last second! :)
Cosette has a very cute gothic look! It suits a lot to this lovely and rare «soap» crystal purple Belbal 24'' with OXA-NYA print! Unlike other 24-inchers, these balloons can get much bigger, and Cosette is ready to prove it right now with her lips!
Mariette thought that this Cattex 36'' Longeck would not be too big and too loud. Huge, huge mistake! Stretched ones can become much bigger than you expected. And still can be super tight and super loud!
No songs, no dances but it’s still spectacular! Mariette has just caught a rare bird — blue Indian balloon! Let’s see how this loon will behave in her hands (or paws?) and how big it will get before the burst!
We have the new balloons and our super sexy balloon tester Cosette is already here to try them! It’s RX Boobs — super curvy and super-hot loons that beg Cosette lips and lungs to make them huge and tight! And their wish is granted with one small remark — it will definitely end with two big bursts!
Not gonna lie — we really love the way our girls blow huge balloons together. Cosette and Stashia turn blowing into kinky and playful action, a sexy magic that goes on and on until the giant balloon explodes on their lips! Just like they did now with one of our prototypes — giant Roomtex Peanut balloon. 40 absolutely mesmerizing minutes full of pleasure and joy!
HyperInflation crosses the borders to challenge other studios! And who’s brave enough to answer the call? It’s Katheryn from Latin Desire! She isn’t afraid of impressive size of RX lloD balloon and ready to show that her lungs of steel won’t leave a single chance for this huge balloon to survive! Well done Katheryn, you proved that Brazilian girls are really good at btp’s!
Sempertex balloons are known for their quality and ability to inflate bigger than you expect. But how much bigger? That’s what Mariette will find out soon! :) Our challenges are a pleasure for her — just look how passionately she blows these balloons! She even left a big autograph on the blue balloon with her red lipstick! It wouldn’t save this loon from popping but still very sweet:)
The second balloon got very tight and popped suddenly when Mariette left the room briefly. The pop is recorded but… yeah.
Finally our cute smiley Stashia is here for a new challenge! Two Sempertex 30'' — that’s a hell of blowing! We’ve never thought that these balloons could have necks but they do when Stashia makes them super tight! Two sexy BTPs in a row, great job:)
It’s been a while since we have had new decent challenges for our girls. And now we have it! We made the new cool balloon — Roomtex Rocket, and Cosette can’t wait to apply her lips (and other body parts) to it! One big balloon won’t be enough for her so we doubled it — Cosette will blow to burst two RRs, and it is going to be amazing!
We make many big balloons now and of course we want our girls to test them! So here comes Cosette with pink RX Blimp — it will take her more than 30 minutes to inflate this sexy giant and make it explode on her lips!
We’ve already tested RXMB prototype (Matiette did it) but now we have the final balloon and it must be BTP’d! Now it’s wider, longer, stronger and better in all meanings so Cosette’s challenge is going to be epic! And the best thing about it is that Cosette really loves this insane balloon and can’t wait to fill it with her breath, to reveal it’s beauty… and to make it burst in the end!
Halloween is not soon but we found 3 orange Cattex loons with a themed print and asked Mariette to show us how big they can expand loud they can burst. And we got the answers in a best way possible! :)
Several years ago one looner store made a limited run of black Cattex 55'' balloons with an anniversary design. Now Mariette and Cosette and going to find out how good this balloon is after all these years! Spoiler — yes, it’s still fine even though very soft!
We made a new balloon, and Mariette can’t wait to grap it in her hands (and lips)! Roomtex lloD — the final version of our big doll-shaped balloon, and now it’s time to reveal its beauty! And you know what method we all prefer — blowing it, blowing it bigger and tighter until it pops! And that’s exactly what Mariette is going to do, not mentioning some riding:)
Every new Roomtex balloon always have to pass HyperInflation test! And RX 36'' Longneck too, of course! Even though it barely fits Cosette’s room and frame when is fully inflated (and it took around 40 minutes for her to finish this giant loon) it is a pure pleasure to see Cosette revealing this beauty and taking it to the limit and beyond!
It’s HyperInflation video #100 and it is destined to be EPIC! Mariette and Cosette have the giant Cattex 63'' balloon with a rare TTR Final Fate print. Next hour they will be taking turns blowing this enormous loon and playing with it. Who will bring this balloon it’s Final Fate? Will see:)
Our pro balloon tester Cosette is going to reveal the final size of the new Roomtex prototype balloon — Doll! Or, to be exact, lloD, because the valve is located on the smaller part of the balloon:) However these details don’t mean much for Cosette — she just loves blowing huge balloons and watching them getting bigger and bigger until they burst! So do we:)
We didn’t tell Mariette that this balloon had been prestretched several times and would be much bigger than the new one. She didn’t need to know that… neither she cared! She has a true pleasure blowing balloons, and bigger balloon just means more pleasure! And yes, this one got extremely big before the burst!
Have you ever seen an equine condom? I bet you haven’t! They are huge and made of very soft and stretchy latex! When we got a couple of them we couldn’t resist asking Cosette to show us how big these «balloons» could inflate. Two great btp’s and big request from Cosette to bring her more of them ^^
Very, very, very, long necks! So long that they got curved when Mariette was riding and blowing these balloons at the same time! Yes, she’s into having a full contact with the loon while she is blowing it to burst:) That’s what we love about her!
We’re happy to see Stashia in HyperInflation again! She picked clear agate SA38 balloon fpr her blowing challenge and it was a great choice. We know that Stashia always turns her btp’s into sexy shows — so does she this time! It will be hot and loud!
There’s something charming about Chinese 36'' tear shaped balloons. Watching them expanding on the lips of the beautiful girl is mezmerizing! Even though it won’t be an easy job for Rita after a long break but she will finish this big balloon in a playful and sexy manner!
Another lovely Olympic 45'' balloon with LoonerWiki print is destined to meet it’s glorious end on Cosette’s lips! The girl on a green latex is expanding so much that it’s nearly as big as Cosette:) But there could be only one winner!
How many 24'' balloons can you blow to pop in a row? One? Two? Three? Cosette is going for six and it doesn’t even feel like a big deal for her! First she blows all 6 RX24 balloons to normal size and then finishes them one by one with her outstanding lungpower. Huge necks are included!
What is harder — making RX40 balloon or blowing it to burst? When it comes to Mariette BTP is not a problem at all! So we will keep making more of these balloons so she could apply her lips on them, inflate them to the limit and make them burst! That’s what we like! :)
Blowing to pop Olympic 45'' is like a benchmark for HI girls. All of them can do it. As for Cosette, it doesn’t feel like a challenge for her. Inflating this pink O45 with LoonerWiki print is a pure pleasure and excitement for Cosette! She does it with ease, in her signature passionate and sexy way. That’s why we all love her BTPs:)
Balloon says — BLOW ME! Mariette says — With great pleasure! Balloon says — No way you can blow me up, I’m too big! Mariette (starts blowing) Balloon — Please stop, I’m already tight! Mariette (keeps blowing) Balloon — Omg I gonna burst now! Mariette (blows faster) Balloon (explodes) Mariette (giggles)
We’ve just got some new clear Cattex 32'' balloons with our famous Final Fate print! It was a collab between TTR and Balloon Ace and we’re happy to see this design on latex again! And Cosette is happy to have a chance to put two of these awesome loons to the limit (and beyond) with her sweet lips! Two very loud bursts are coming!
Our girls keep testing new Roomtex prototypes. Mariette is lucky to be first to blow up our band new Megaboobs balloon! It has a crazy and kinky shape! It’s absolutely mesmerizing to see Mariette revealing the shape of this loon, making it super big and tight and finally popping it with the final breath!
This balloon had a blue print on it but it became nearly invisible when the balloon was so stretched and overinflated! Mariette did it with the classic playful attitude and didn’t leave a poor balloon a single chance to survive!
Stashia’s sexy black outfit perfectly matches great black Gemar 40'' balloon she’s going to blow! Even though this balloon is big and very tight (and not easy to blow) Stashia blows it to burst with ease, pleasure and kinky fun — just like we all love:)
After a break Hyperinflation is back! So is Cosette holding a rare CZnF Giant Nose balloon! We all know what she’s going to do with it:) Cosette skillfully inflates the nose first and then keep blowing the rest part of balloon until it burst under her! Yes, there is a lot of balloon riding in this clip too:)
Mariette and Cosette beat their own blowing record! More than 90 minutes of hot and versatile nonstop blowing! The enormous 72'' balloon made all the way from flat to huge on girls' lips and definitely was happy to burst in the end! :) Absolutely brilliant video from our best blowers!
We gave this balloon to Mariette as a prototype. She’s a great tester and a big fan of necky balloons so she couldn’t resist trying this one in her favorite way — blowing it to burst! And Mariette did it great — the balloon had revealed it’s amazing shape with huge neck before it turned to shreds with a loud boom!
Another epic challenge for Mariette — huge GL1200 blimp balloon with our MAXIMUM PLEASURE print on it! And you know what? Mariette is so relaxed and confident while blowing it that she is even more playful that ever! She rides the balloon in many ways and even rips her black pantyhose! A perfect way to an awesome burst!
Cosette is honored to try our biggest prototype balloon for now — Roomtex 40''! It’s crystal blue, with white patterns and it’s going to become big on Cosette’s lips and make a loud burst in the end! Test is completed succesfully!
Some challenges are just too insane for one. So it’s the first HyperInflation video with two girls blowing one balloon. And we have a reason for it and it’s called Cattex 72''! The biggest round balloon ever decorated with our signature CELEBRATE LOVE print! Blowing it to pop by mouth is an absolutely ultimate challenge that could be accepted only by two best blowers Mariette and Cosette. More than one hour of blowing and enormous balloon that bursted on Cosette’s lips when Mariette squeezed it a bit! Perfect!
Should we be merciful to newcomers? No I don’t think so! Three 24'' balloons in a row — it is HyperInflation so Stashia shoud better huff and puff hard to make them burst on her lips! Oh btw these balloons have our signature SQUEEZED! print on them.
Perfect balloon, great lady, awesome blowing and amazing burst — that’s what we like about HyperInflation! :)
I hope Rita wasn’t offended to BTP 25'' balloon for HyperInflation. She’s excellent blower and this mid sized balloon is like a morning excersize for her. But this balloon is stretchy tear dropped loon so we hoped that it would keep Rita busy a bit longer. No luck — she goriously finished it in less than 8 minutes while doing sexy ride on another balloon!
Mariette deserves her personal epic Hyperinflation challenge! And she got it — GL900 balloon is so enormous that we can hardly believe that anyone could blow it to burst! But yes, Mariette did it! Nearly one hour of blowing — and finally balloon turns to shreds with a loud boom!
Okay now it’s HYPER for sure! An ultimate challenge for great blower Cosette — GIANT Cattex 55'' balloon! We encouraged her with some motivating print on that huge loon:) Don’t know if that worked or not but we witnessed 70 MINUTES of amazingly hot blowing that ends up with amazing explosion! Yes, it’s the biggest HI BTP for now!
Huge soft tear shaped Brazilian 36'' balloon is marvelous! So is Derpy in her hot corset and stockings! Together they are going to make some sexy (mind)blowing magic with an epic burst in the end!
I bet Cattex had no idea that someone would blow their Giant Dolls by mouth… and even blow it to burst! But here comes Mariette and does the impossible! Blowing Giant Doll to burst with enjoying it all the way! Perfection!
Roomtex 30''x40'' is our strongest balloon for now! It was made for hard riding and holds two persons easily. So blowing it to pop would require some decent lungpower! No doubts Rita has it — she blows this loon to burst with the same ease and playfulness as a simple 14''!