
Our girls show their impressive blowing skills with epic BTPs. All clips are filmed by themselves.

Mariette wants bigger and bigger balloons every time! Seems like Gemar 40'', huge, strong and thick balloon should be a proper challenge for this pro blowing lady! Well it tool around half hour for Mariette to hyperinflate it and turn into shreds with a tremendous burst! Awesome, as usual! :)

@480p: 992 Mb, @1080p: 2191 Mb, Runtime: 37 minutes
$19.99 (18.66)

Our most playful blower is in action again! Seems like she never can get enough of balloon fun so she’s eager to surround herself with latex while blowing huge balloons! And it’s all about pleasure for Rita because she blows this cute pink loon to pop without much efforts!

@480p: 396 Mb, @1080p: 992 Mb, Runtime: 17 minutes
$11.99 (11.19)

Don’t let the number «24» mislead you. We all know well that these soft crystal Belbals can get much bigger! It could be a trap for beginners but Derpy is not confused at all — she will keep blowing with determination and excitement till this overinflated balloon bursts to shreds!

@480p: 394 Mb, @1080p: 987 Mb, Runtime: 16 minutes
$11.99 (11.19)

This girl keeps amazing me! Blowing to burst GL800 was an absolutely hardcore challenge that few girls were ready to accept. HUGE stretchy balloon that requires outstanding stamina, lungpower and determination! And Cosette agreed to take it with ease and obvious excitement! It took nearly an hour (!!!) for her to finish it, and every second of this action is brilliant — it’s a true blowing tantric sex with balloon with a fantastic burst in the end! Definitely one of the best HI clips for now.

@480p: 1.35 Gb, @1080p: 3.38 Gb, Runtime: 58 minutes
$24.99 (23.32)

Very big, very red and very loud in the end! That’s all about huge balloon that Rita is going to blow to the max right now! Just look how huge it becomes on her lips revealing amazing tear-like shape! And, of course, the final burst is gorgeous and Rita’s reaction is always priceless!

@480p: 346 Mb, @1080p: 867 Mb, Runtime: 14 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

Cosette wants more and more! And we really enjoy watching her happily smiling while she blows huge balloons! We have a couple of new Roomtex prototypes that need some «field tests» so we passed them to Cosette so make to gorgeous blow-to-pops for us… and for you!

@480p: 766 Mb, @1080p: 1.88 Gb, Runtime: 32 minutes
$16.99 (15.86)

It always feels like one burst is never enough for Rita. She begged us to give her more and we couldn’t say no. We had some Roomtex 15'' from test batch and gave them to Rita so she could enjoy many bursts in one session! And she really did — preinflating several balloons and then finishing them one by one while riding others! Damn, that’s hawt.

@480p: 375 Mb, @1080p: 941 Mb, Runtime: 16 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

It’s a pleasure to see new girls who gladly and eagerly accepts our HyperInflation challenge! No warmup so the very first balloon is really big — it’s a blue Qualatex 36'' with snowflakes print. Derpy deals with it with confidence — she blows it with deep breaths and leads to spectacular burst! Congrats with your first huge btp Derpy! More to come!

@480p: 552 Mb, @1080p: 1383 Mb, Runtime: 23 minutes
$23.99 (22.39)

Actually 12 minutes is a good result for blowing to pop one Qualatex 24''. But it’s Mariette, an ultimate blower! She did TWO gorgeous btp’s of Q24 balloons (with our signature OXA-NYA print btw) in less than 12 minutes! No cheating, no early pops — two amazing overinftaled loons are going to do mighty booms on Mariette’s lips!

@480p: 284 Mb, @1080p: 713 Mb, Runtime: 12 minutes
$10.99 (10.26)

Rita loves blowing balloons while riding another one. We don’t mind — there’s never too many balloons around, right? :) The pink loon under her looks smaller with every second — it’s because the blue one on her lips is getting larger and coming to it’s imminent end!

@480p: 416 Mb, @1080p: 1043 Mb, Runtime: 17 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Okay let’s make it clear — this is not a pure BTP. Mariette got so excited blowing this huge and rare shaped Giant Nose balloon that she grinded on it a bit too hard… so it popped under her. But she blew it nice and big, she skillfully made the «nose» part big and nice so this video is greatly appreciated!

@480p: 515 Mb, @1080p: 1292 Mb, Runtime: 22 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Guess who’s here in HyperInflation? Yes, it’s Oxana herself! She found something interesting in her bottomless balloon stash — a huge marble zeppelin balloon of unknown brand (mb it’s S&T). Let’s see how good is it for big BTP!

@480p: 427 Mb, @1080p: 1070 Mb, Runtime: 18 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Do you see how wet this gorgeous GL800 balloon becomes? The drips of moist are running all over the latex! It’s like the balloon is sweating of tension and excitement while Rita is blowing it to the max! And all this moist will break free with a huge burst very-very soon!

@480p: 728 Mb, @1080p: 1826 Mb, Runtime: 31 minutes
$15.99 (14.92)

The one who btp’s Olympic 45'' balloon in less than half hour deserves to be named Olympic champion! Mariette deserves this title — it’s not her first one but this btp is very lovely. Shiny black balloon with an orange custom print… mmm, that looks amazing!

@480p: 692 Mb, @1080p: 1735 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$15.99 (14.92)

Rita keeps impressing me! Finishing huge and stretchy Belbal 36'' (B350) in 15 minutes — that’s a true pro level! Sexy pro, indeed! :)

@480p: 439 Gb, @1080p: 1101 Mb, Runtime: 18 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Our own print on our own balloon — that’s a huge honor! No wonder why Mariette was eager to blow this one up by herself. And of course she demonstrated us the magnificent beauty of this custom balloon — perfect shape and size with a gorgeous neck! I’m even a bit sorry watching it popped… but we will have more for sure;)

@480p: 195 Mb, @1080p: 489 Mb, Runtime: 8 minutes
$6.99 (6.52)

South America 24'' balloons are hard to find, easy to blow and impossible to forget! Even though they are rare now we found one for Rita so she could blow it to burst for us. Just look in her eyes — she is having a good time doing that!

@480p: 295 Mb, @1080p: 740 Mb, Runtime: 12 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

Actually it was Mariette’s challenge to try our new balloon — big Roomtex 30''x40'' produced by TTR. But this sly chick passed this honor to her friend Cosette who was totally new to that and had never made clips with balloons before. So it’s a double premiere — brand new balloon and new girl blowing it! And Cosette made it perfect — her style is very passionate and her body language says a lot about her excitement!

@480p: 449 Mb, @1080p: 1125 Mb, Runtime: 19 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Huge snowflakes on a big balloon! 12 minutes to btp Qualatex 36'' — that’s a really impressive result! Rita should be proud of herself!

@480p: 299 Mb, @1080p: 751 Mb, Runtime: 12 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

Big balloon is better than small one. And three big balloons are better that one! Of course it will take time to blow them all to burst but no doubts that Leya will complete it in a sexy way!

@480p: 761 Mb, @1080p: 1908 Mb, Runtime: 32 minutes
$18.99 (17.72)

No rush and all pleasure! Rita is enjoying every breath the puts into the lovely crystal orange Cattex 36'' Longneck. The balloon will do the complete way from flat to overinflated and finally shredded on Rita’s lips, and that’s a pleasure to watch!

@480p: 801 Mb, @1080p: 2007 Mb, Runtime: 34 minutes
$18.99 (17.72)

Watching Mariette blowing huge pink Tuftex 36'' is so mesmerizing that I can easily forgive her the absence of the final pop. The extremely overinflated balloon slipped off the valve and deflated. Next time this loon will find it’s end but it was lucky that day!

@480p: 672 Mb, @1080p: 1684 Mb, Runtime: 28 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

The trickiest part of inflating Mouse Head balloons is to have both «ears» inflated before balloon bursts. Luckily Leya is skilled enough to deal with those loons — both of these big balloons will be perfectly shaped before they pop on Leya’s lips!

@480p: 359 Mb, @1080p: 900 Mb, Runtime: 15 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

We have something new for Rita to try out! Three 24'' balloons from Gummiwerk! Thick latex, curious necky shape — blowing them will be a decent challenge! First Rita inflates all balloons to medium size and then overinflate them one by one while riding the remaining balloons. Of course she btp’s all of them, and the bursts are epic — all balloons will turn into tiny latex shreds!

@480p: 688 Mb, @1080p: 1724 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

These Cattex 36'' Longnecks are the most unpredictable balloons. You never know how long will it take to blow it to burst and how big it will become. Actually Leya doesn’t care much about that. She just keeps blowing and the balloon keeps expanding and pops loudly! And yes, this time it became huge!

@480p: 521 Mb, @1080p: 1305 Mb, Runtime: 22 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Mariette loves playing by her own rules. Continuous blowing of huge balloons is not a big deal for her but she’s obviously attached to tight loons. And she has an unbearable temptation to bounce on a balloon when it is already on the verge of bursting… with obvious consequences lol. Like this time when Mariette blew black Qualatex 36'' big and tight and couldn’t resist leaning on it. The balloon popped right under her. It looked epic anyway:)

@480p: 402 Mb, @1080p: 1008 Mb, Runtime: 17 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

Pink Brazilian tear shaped giant versus Leya and her lungs! This battle could become legendary! But it doesn’t seem like a great challenge for Leya — she blows this huge loon to burst is a relaxed and playful manner!

@480p: 690 Mb, @1080p: 1729 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Rita was the only one who blew all balloons that we sent her and said «That’s it? I want more!». Of course we couldn’t resist providing here some more big loons to blow, overinflate and burst since she has so much pleasure doing that! And this orange China 36'' balloon was another sweet victim of Rita’s lungs and lips!

@480p: 382 Mb, @1080p: 957 Mb, Runtime: 16 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

It’s time for really huge stuff! We challenged Mariette to BTP Giant Doll balloon! Honestly we had no doubts she would nail it, just hoped that she won’t play with the loon to hard lol. And yes, no kidding — Mariette did a pure BTP of this enormous balloon! Absolutely perfect job!

@480p: 974 Mb, @1080p: 2440 Mb, Runtime: 41 minutes
$19.99 (18.66)

South American 36'' balloons are picky. They don’t show their gorgeous final size and shape to everyone. But Rita is a true loon master who knows how to tame the wild latex! So this clear agate SA36 behaved good in Rita’s hands and let her to blow it to burst with pleasure!

@480p: 554 Mb, @1080p: 1390 Mb, Runtime: 23 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Leya looks frustrated in the end. Half hour of perfect blowing and playing with Olympic 45'' — and it bursts in her hands, not on her lips! Yes, she’s kind of perfectionist. And she can’t imagine how sexy she looks during all this blowing and how huge and tight her balloon became! It was a true pleasure to watch!

@480p: 690 Mb, @1080p: 1731 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

What is better — Birthday or Christmas? Mariette don’t need to choose because she has two printed Gemar 27'' — blue one with «Happy Birthday» print and green «Merry Christmas» loon. And it’s gonna be loud like fireworks because these girl won’t stop until both balloons burst on her lips! Wow I’ve never thought that Gemar 27'' could neck!

@480p: 505 Mb, @1080p: 1266 Mb, Runtime: 21 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

We’ve just printed a batch of our brand new Olympic 24'' SQUEEZED! loons and of course we had some amount of misprints and a perfect purpose for them! Rita is ready to show us the limit of these two Olympic 24'' balloons and how loud they will burst on her lips! Confirmed — these balloons are awesome and Rita is amazingly good at blowing!
PS. We still have some of these balloons for sale so check the Merch section.

@480p: 610 Mb, @1080p: 1529 Mb, Runtime: 26 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Mariette’s blowing skills were proved so many times that blowing a huge balloon is not really a challenge for her. You see how relaxed and playful she is while blowing such a big loon like Cattex 36''! These lips are ready to finish any balloon and it’s a true pleasure to watch!

@480p: 693 Mb, @1080p: 1737 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Every Longneck is gorgeous when blown up big and tight! But not every Longneck is lucky enough to be blown up by Leya! This purple one is definitely the luckiest — it had an honor to taste Leya’s lips (and some other body parts) before it popped. Perfect and sexy BTP perfomed by Leya!

@480p: 433 Mb, @1080p: 1086 Mb, Runtime: 18 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Our girls are perfect balloon blowers but not everyone would have guts (and lungs!) to finish a Giant Doll Balloon. Luckily we have Rita! She doesn’t hesitate — she takes a balloon, no matter how huge it is, and blows it till this loon bursts on her lips! And this Doll is not an exception!

@480p: 617 Mb, @1080p: 1546 Mb, Runtime: 26 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

I’m not sure but seems like Mariette owns a record of blowing to pop Olympic 45''! 23 minutes — it’s an amazing time, considering now huge the balloon got before the pop! Omg, I even saw the neck bulging, that was awesome!

@480p: 559 Mb, @1080p: 1400 Mb, Runtime: 23 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Finally we brought Leya to HyperInflation! She is not afraid of big challenges and that’s exactly what we’re going to offer her;) The first one is yellow Smiley Qualatex 36'' — huge tight one and a real peril! But does anyone doubt that Leya can nail it in a sexy way?

@480p: 565 Mb, @1080p: 1416 Mb, Runtime: 24 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Long neck, big pleasure! And another blowing challenge for Kira that she nailed! In her own relaxed and playful manner:) I love it!

@480p: 483 Mb, @1080p: 1210 Mb, Runtime: 20 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

40 inches? Looks more like 50''! This awesome soft tear shaped brazilian balloon is a decent blowing challenge, and Mariette gladly and eagerly accepts it! She’s blowing it, touching and riding this loon, making it enormous till the final burst!

@480p: 688 Mb, @1080p: 1724 Mb, Runtime: 29 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Kira has no respect to balloon size! Looks like 36'' is a piece of cake for her. She blows it with pleasure and confidence revealing the balloon’s shape, making it tight and leading it to imminent burst! A true eyecandy ^^

@480p: 583 Mb, @1080p: 1463 Mb, Runtime: 25 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Rita was so close to doing two Q24 btp’s! But she put a little too much force on an inflated yellow one and it bursted under her! So technically it was a sitpop lol. But the black one was gorgeous, it revealed the classic perfection of Qualatex 24'' necky shape and popped after some massive overinflation!

@480p: 448 Mb, @1080p: 1124 Mb, Runtime: 19 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)

Kira looks sexy wearing these skittish cat ears:) But what is more important — she is ready for some big blowing! Clear China 36'' with red dots and splashes will become huge and glassy on Kira’s lips. Puff, puff, BOOM!

@480p: 759 Mb, @1080p: 1902 Mb, Runtime: 32 minutes
$16.99 (15.86)

Finally we got Mariette into HyperInflation! Kinky and absolutely fearless, not mentioning she’s a perfect blower too;) Wearing sexy black outfit Mariette is going to blow up crystal red Cattex 32'' balloon. These loons may be unpredictable but this one managed to do it’s best and showed us it’s ENORMOUS neck before the burst!!!

@480p: 236 Mb, @1080p: 592 Mb, Runtime: 10 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

Rita is back and ready to be challenged with some huge BTP’s! And we do have special balloons for her — like this cool white marble South America 36''! And this one is not going to burst early — this loon will pop only when Rita will make it huge, tight and super necky!

@480p: 352 Mb, @1080p: 883 Mb, Runtime: 16 minutes
$9.99 (9.32)

That was so cute to see Lilu leaving us a message on a balloon she was blowing ^^ Very sweet! I know that is wasn’t easy to blow to burst that enormous clear Gemar 40'' but Lilu did it! And in a sexy way;)

@480p: 815 Mb, @1080p: 2043 Mb, Runtime: 34 minutes
$16.99 (15.86)

Blowing, squeezing, bouncing… and blowing again! Kira definitely had some good time blowing up that awesome balloon! And yes, it ended up just like it meant to end — with a huge burst!

@480p: 506 Mb, @1080p: 1270 Mb, Runtime: 21 minutes
$14.99 (13.99)

Do you remember Angel Balloons? 32'', big and soft, with a sexy print! We found one in our balloon stash and offered to Lilu for blowing up! And she was happy to inflate this awesome loon by mouth and make a huge burst!

@480p: 444 Mb, @1080p: 1112 Mb, Runtime: 19 minutes
$12.99 (12.12)