
Our girls show their impressive blowing skills with epic BTPs. All clips are filmed by themselves.

Halloween is not soon but we found 3 orange Cattex loons with a themed print and asked Mariette to show us how big they can expand loud they can burst. And we got the answers in a best way possible! :)

@480p: 598 Mb, @1080p: 1498 Mb, Runtime: 63 minutes
$34.99 (32.40)

Several years ago one looner store made a limited run of black Cattex 55'' balloons with an anniversary design. Now Mariette and Cosette and going to find out how good this balloon is after all these years! Spoiler — yes, it’s still fine even though very soft!

@480p: 1 Gb, @1080p: 2.5 Gb, Runtime: 43 minutes
$25.99 (24.06)

We made a new balloon, and Mariette can’t wait to grap it in her hands (and lips)! Roomtex lloD — the final version of our big doll-shaped balloon, and now it’s time to reveal its beauty! And you know what method we all prefer — blowing it, blowing it bigger and tighter until it pops! And that’s exactly what Mariette is going to do, not mentioning some riding:)

@480p: 571 Mb, @1080p: 1431 Mb, Runtime: 24 minutes
$16.99 (15.73)

Every new Roomtex balloon always have to pass HyperInflation test! And RX 36'' Longneck too, of course! Even though it barely fits Cosette’s room and frame when is fully inflated (and it took around 40 minutes for her to finish this giant loon) it is a pure pleasure to see Cosette revealing this beauty and taking it to the limit and beyond!

@480p: 906 Mb, @1080p: 2.22 Gb, Runtime: 38 minutes
$22.99 (21.29)

It’s HyperInflation video #100 and it is destined to be EPIC! Mariette and Cosette have the giant Cattex 63'' balloon with a rare TTR Final Fate print. Next hour they will be taking turns blowing this enormous loon and playing with it. Who will bring this balloon it’s Final Fate? Will see:)

@480p: 1.55 Gb, @1080p: 3.89 Gb, Runtime: 67 minutes
$33.99 (31.47)

Our pro balloon tester Cosette is going to reveal the final size of the new Roomtex prototype balloon — Doll! Or, to be exact, lloD, because the valve is located on the smaller part of the balloon:) However these details don’t mean much for Cosette — she just loves blowing huge balloons and watching them getting bigger and bigger until they burst! So do we:)

@480p: 479 Mb, @1080p: 1202 Mb, Runtime: 20 minutes
$14.99 (13.88)

We didn’t tell Mariette that this balloon had been prestretched several times and would be much bigger than the new one. She didn’t need to know that… neither she cared! She has a true pleasure blowing balloons, and bigger balloon just means more pleasure! And yes, this one got extremely big before the burst!

@480p: 600 Mb, @1080p: 1505 Mb, Runtime: 25 minutes
$16.99 (15.73)

Have you ever seen an equine condom? I bet you haven’t! They are huge and made of very soft and stretchy latex! When we got a couple of them we couldn’t resist asking Cosette to show us how big these «balloons» could inflate. Two great btp’s and big request from Cosette to bring her more of them ^^

@480p: 721 Mb, @1080p: 1807 Mb, Runtime: 30 minutes
$17.99 (16.66)

Very, very, very, long necks! So long that they got curved when Mariette was riding and blowing these balloons at the same time! Yes, she’s into having a full contact with the loon while she is blowing it to burst:) That’s what we love about her!

@480p: 630 Mb, @1080p: 1579 Mb, Runtime: 26 minutes
$16.99 (15.73)

We’re happy to see Stashia in HyperInflation again! She picked clear agate SA38 balloon fpr her blowing challenge and it was a great choice. We know that Stashia always turns her btp’s into sexy shows — so does she this time! It will be hot and loud!

@480p: 521 Mb, @1080p: 1306 Mb, Runtime: 22 minutes
$15.99 (14.81)

There’s something charming about Chinese 36'' tear shaped balloons. Watching them expanding on the lips of the beautiful girl is mezmerizing! Even though it won’t be an easy job for Rita after a long break but she will finish this big balloon in a playful and sexy manner!

@480p: 378 Mb, @1080p: 947 Mb, Runtime: 16 minutes
$11.99 (11.10)

Another lovely Olympic 45'' balloon with LoonerWiki print is destined to meet it’s glorious end on Cosette’s lips! The girl on a green latex is expanding so much that it’s nearly as big as Cosette:) But there could be only one winner!

@480p: 602 Mb, @1080p: 1510 Mb, Runtime: 25 minutes
$25.99 (24.06)